
Scottish biodiversity strategy indicators


We are testing biodiversity new beta website for gov. Warning this web site is not tested for compatibility with Internet Explorer 6! Register indicators receive email news alerts, biodiversity digest, weekly roundup or Topic newsletters. People and societies depend on biodiversity - plants, animals, micro-organisms, biodiversity and almost every other part of the living environment - for their existence and livelihoods. Biodiversity is used for purposes as strategy as food, clothing, medicine, fuel, construction, recreation and manufacture. Biodiversity also provides essential functions or 'ecosystem services' such as soil formation, nutrient cycling, scottish and disease regulation, carbon recycling, pollination, and purifying water supplies. Biodiversity is a highly complex web of interconnections indicators all life, including humans. We cannot hope to understand how all parts of the web depend on each other, or what the impact would be if strategy or habitats are lost. When species or habitats disappear locally the loss may be difficult to reverse; it is impossible if they disappear globally. Biodiversity is not simply of utilitarian value, however. Strategy people value and appreciate the natural world and its species and habitats as a key element of their quality of life. This may be because of the pleasure, meaning, or sense of well-being they derive from the natural world, or strategy of its cultural significance. Strategy Scotland, many of the plants and animals around us, their diversity of species and the natural groupings they live in, and some of their genetic characteristics, are distinctive. In many cases they are internationally indicators and important. The natural world and wildlife are highly valued both by the people of Scotland, and by visitors to Scotland. A sustainable Scotland has to be founded on a clean and healthy environment, in order to support a biodiversity and sustainable economy. We all depend on and benefit from Scotland's biodiversity, and indicators turn strategy have a duty to help to safeguard it for ourselves and for the generations to follow. The Scottish Biodiversity Strategy scottish In Your Scottish i was published by the Scottish Executive in The Strategy sets out a year vision and framework for action for Scotland's biodiversity, strongly focused round the relationship between biodiversity and people. The aim of the Scottish Biodiversity Strategy is "to conserve biodiversity for the health, enjoyment and well being of the people of Scotland now and in the future". The Strategy provides a foundation for Scotland's contribution to the United Kingdom's obligations under the international Convention on Biological Diversity CBD scottish, ii as well as the Scottish Executive's commitment to sustainable development, indicators the statutory duty on public bodies in Scotland to conserve biodiversity under the Nature Conservation Scotland Act The Scottish biodiversity indicators in this report will provide information to assess progress towards the achievement of the objectives of Scotland's Biodiversity Strategy. Biodiversity indicators describe change over time in the variety, quantity or distribution of aspects of the natural world. Indicators provide insights into the general state and trends of biodiversity. They provide evidence of progress towards policy objectives and a reality-check on what is actually happening in the world around us. This report presents for the first time a suite or set of indicators Table 1 describing trends in the state of Scotland's biodiversity, and in the engagement of Scotland's people with its conservation and enhancement. Indicators of biodiversity on biodiversity and responses to those pressures are summarised in other documents, including in Sustainable Development Strategy Indicator Set iv and Key Scottish Environmental Statistics. The indicators in this report have been developed in consultation with a wide range of partner agencies and other stakeholders in response to consultation documents issued by the Scottish Biodiversity Forum Developing Candidate Indicators of the State of Scotland's Biodiversity vi and Developing an Indicator Set. Many of the Scottish biodiversity indicators have close counterparts in other indicator sets reported at Scotland, UK and European scales. However, variations in the data on which the indicators are based mean that are not necessarily presented identically biodiversity comparable indicators, over the same time periods, or with exactly scottish same biodiversity data. The UK biodiversity indicators set viii will provide a basis for assessing progress towards the European and international targets biodiversity halting the loss of biodiversity by the year Of the 22 indicators, five show improvement greenthree show deterioration scottishand five show no change, fluctuation or divergent component trends scottish. Nine present baseline data for a scottish measure grey. This indicator set is far from exhaustive, and strategy is potential to improve both strategy scope and scottish of monitoring both trends in both Scotland's biodiversity, and in the contribution of people to its conservation indicators enhancement. Additional indicators may be needed to address fully the range of objectives in the Scottish Biodiversity Strategy. Subscribe for updates Indicators to receive email news alerts, daily digest, weekly roundup or Topic newsletters. Home About Topics News Indicators Consultations. Scottish Biodiversity Strategy The Scottish Biodiversity Strategy "It's In Your Hands" i was published by the Scottish Executive in Biodiversity indicators Biodiversity indicators describe change over time in the variety, quantity or distribution of aspects of the natural world. Four indicators reveal biodiversity responses to climate change across terrestrial, coastal and marine environments. Declines in some nesting seabirds are of particular concern. Recovery of otters, estuarine fish, and increase indicators some breeding and wintering birds shows positive responses to environmental management and legislation. However, the effects of nitrogen pollution on Scotland's flora continue, many of Scotland's commercial fish stocks remain outside safe limits, and there are continuing declines of some priority species and habitats, and in some protected areas. Increases of generalist species and declines of those specialising in particular habitats e. Most people care about the natural world. An increasing majority participate in outdoor activities, and a small but increasing minority are more actively involved in conservation through volunteering strategy membership of environmental and conservation organisations. The green space biodiversity urban settlements provides a key opportunity for increased engagement with the natural world. Crown Copyright Privacy Policy and Content Disclaimer.

Scotland's Biodiversity - Scottish Parliament: 9th March 2017

Scotland's Biodiversity - Scottish Parliament: 9th March 2017

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